This is a list of local government areas (LGAs) in Victoria, sorted by region.
Also referred to as municipalities, the 79 Victorian LGAs are classified as cities (34), shires (38), rural cities (6) and boroughs (1). In general, an urban or suburban LGA is called a city and is governed by a city council, while a rural LGA covering a larger rural area is usually called a shire and is governed by a shire council. Local councils have the same administrative functions and similar political structures, regardless of their classification.
Local elections are held in Victoria every four years with the most recent elections held in 2024.
Current local government areas
editThis is a list of former local government areas in Victoria. Many of these existed from the 19th century until the 1994 statewite local government amalgamations.
This is a list of former Greater Melbourne local government areas. These local government areas were considered part of Greater Melbourne at the time of their dissolution.
This is a list of former regional local government areas around Geelong and surrounding the Greater Melbourne area. These local government areas were not considered part of Greater Melbourne at the time of their dissolution.